Two months after I build by first background, I started te build my second one. This because I bought a bigger tank on the internet. I used the same technique as in the previous one but made more caves and integrated the heating and the the filtersystems. That was more difficult but it was worth it.
The size of the background was 31 inch by 19 inch. The numbers 1 to 6 are the caves. Number 7 and 8 are the entries of the filter and number 9 is the exit. When I started to put on the first layer of cement I did put a plastic bag around the housing of the filter so it would not get dirty.
After the epoxy I glued the backgound in the tank with the silicon. Because of the size of the tank I couldn't tilt it on his back so I framed it with some leftover styrofoam
It took me an hour per layer.
I let the silicon dry for 48 hours.
Then I filled the tank and refreshed the water a few times.
After a week I added some stones and wood.
And some plants.
This is a picture of the fish tank one year later (2006). The background is still in good shape.